Ann Garvin
author : Ann GarvinAnn Garvin is a nurse, a professor, and a professional loser of keys. Dogs think she is amazing, and the feeling is mutual. Ann writes about women who have a good sense of humor about doing too much in a world that asks too much of them. She thought writing a book would get her a beach house. The beach house hasn’t happened yet, but she's bought sunglasses, so she’s ready. She created the Tall Poppies because she loves writers, readers, and helping women get their voices heard. Ann is the author of ON MAGGIE'S WATCH, THE DOG YEAR, and the USA Today bestseller I LIKE YOU JUST FINE WHEN YOU'RE NOT AROUND.\n\nAnn Garvin likes a good character, sometimes a little too much. She's met a few characters in her life and some of them end up in her books and other's end up as friends. \ View more >>